Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc erat massa, porttitor vel egestas sit amet, tristique at massa. Donec posuere odio neque, in ultricies lorem aliquet eu.

  • +91-08287244305

How much will it cost to do an interior designing of a unisex salon in Delhi?

The price of interior design for a unisex salon in Delhi can vary greatly depending on a number of variables, including the size, location, needs for the design, and materials used. In Delhi, the price per square foot for interior design of a beauty salon often ranges from ₹1,000 to ₹2,000. However, it’s ideal to speak with a qualified interior designer who can evaluate your unique needs, tastes, and budget to provide a full proposal in order to acquire a more exact cost. This will guarantee that the design reflects your vision and falls within your budgetary expectations.

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